Mixes are moving along finally...
After moving I finally have the Sacred studio back online. We are just about done with 'Devil', making it the 7th mix completed for the full length CD. Cruel, Devil, Siouxsie, Wall, Can't Take Anymore, Fading Light, and Truth is the list so far. War and Death are in the works, and Preacher's Destiny will wrap it up for the album unless a new one sneaks in somewhere between now and then. We are planning to tour the Philadelphia area this spring and summer.
we have a links page...
Due to popular demand, a links page has been created for your enjoyment. Any suggestions please let Sacred know.
We are currently mixing for the upcoming full length CD. We are 6 tracks strong, with the rest in process. There will probably be 11 tracks total, with a few months left on the other 5. I'm shooting for the end of August though, we'll see...
Official Sacred Confinement tapes and stickers will be available for the July 2nd show. The tape will include 1 new song, 'Innocence in a Cruel World' along with the other tracks. We can't give them away anymore, but they will not be any more than we payed to make them, looks like $3.00 a tape so far. But they are pretty cool lookin' and they should sound much better, it's the real thing now KIDS...
The show of the millenium....
Our last show with Front Line Assembly was incredible. Special thanks to all involved including John Fonseca (sound) , Stacy Maiorano (lights) and to the new fans that supported us on this key show for Sacred Confinement. Until the FLA show, I had my doubts on whether or not we were doing something right with this project, but from the fans I know we have something special to contribute the music scene. Stay tuned for pictures/videos from the show.
P.S.- new home page, hope you like it....
Updated the site a little bit. Check out the photos page from our last show. We are registered with MP3.com where the full versions of siouxsie, truth, and fading light reside. Check it out.
And then there were 2.. then 3 again...
Hadrian has come on board to help build our wall of sound. He plays keyboards with a guitar type synth controller, looks great on stage. It's like having 2 guitarists. Hadrian comes from a classical piano backround, and it shows because he's is right on target -- the best I've had to date.
If you go to the 'sounds' page, check out the little video .gif of us from Maxwell's. It's crappy quality only because I didn't want it take forever to load, but we will have true video .avi files coming up soon for download along with the audio on the 'Sounds Page'. Just a little preview of our studio capabilities, stay tuned for an upcoming video of 'Siouxsie' early next year..
WSOU is playing our CD on Mondays, check it out. CD's have been sent to other stations as well, and to clubs. Any info on contacts for clubs or radio airplay please E-Mail us.
Well here it is, our first big time review from
the zine "Interface". Kinda harsh about stuff but over all positive,
a good start with the mass public. Here's a clip from it :
"Confinement's synth and guitar work is nearly
impeccable,with the tracks "Siouxsie" and "Truth" stirring more than a
passing interest. Worth checking out if you're into post-industrial
rock of a more accessible variety."
Members of "Sacred Confinement" are brewing a flip-side project called "Mad Mile". With both Peters co-writing, they plan to explore the ambient/techno/whatever electronic world. Check out the "Mad Mile" site for more info.
Shows will resume in May.